Privacy Policy

These Privacy Rules (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) are an integral part of the Public Offer (hereinafter referred to as the “Public Offer”). The terms and concepts used in these Rules are identical to the terms and concepts used in the main text of the Public Offer.

1. Definition of Confidential Information

1.1. Confidential information refers to all identifying information obtained by the Company from the Visitor and/or User while they are on the Company’s websites and/or when using the Services provided by the Company. This information may be used, if necessary, to contact the User and/or Visitor, both online and through other means. Personal data is part of the confidential information provided by the User and/or Visitor exclusively on a voluntary basis and with their consent. Providing confidential information is not mandatory to access the Company’s resource, but in this case, some sections of the Services may be unavailable.

1.2. Confidential information includes:
 1. Personal data;
 2. Cookies;
 3. Server logs.

1.3. Personal data includes:
 4. First and last name;
 5. Email address;
 6. Mobile phone number;
 7. Location coordinates of the mobile device where the application for accessing the Service is installed.

1.4. Confidential information is collected for the purpose of User registration; ensuring the operation of the Website; improving the Company’s Services; allowing for changes to the User’s account in case of unforeseen circumstances (e.g., password recovery if it’s stolen); and for contacting the User to confirm orders and determine the method of delivery.

2. Use of Personal Information

2.1. The Company agrees not to facilitate the distribution of Users’ personal data and not to transfer this information to third parties, except in the following cases: the user voluntarily and explicitly wishes to disclose this information; personal data must be disclosed in accordance with the current laws of Ukraine; the user violates the Public Offer; with the prior consent of the User, explicitly expressed via the resource’s Services.

3. Posting Information by the User While Using the Resource

3.1. The User may, at their discretion, provide third parties with any information about themselves while using the Resource. This information is considered public, and therefore the Company bears no responsibility for the consequences of such User actions.

3.2. The User guarantees that the information provided to third parties and the Company shall not:

  •  Be false, inaccurate, or misleading;
  •  Encourage fraud, deceit, or abuse of trust;
  •  Infringe upon the property of a third party, its trade secret, or its right to privacy;
  •  Incite the commission of a crime or fuel ethnic conflict;
  •  Contain information that insults anyone’s honor, dignity, or business reputation, slander, or threats;
  •  Be obscene or contain pornographic or erotic material;
  •  The profile photo must be a real photo of the user. It is prohibited to use images or photos of other people as a profile picture. The person in the profile photo must be clearly visible and occupy at least 50% of the photo;
  •  Contain computer viruses or other programs aimed at harming, unauthorized intrusion, secret interception, or data appropriation;
  •  Contain advertising materials;
  •  Violate the current laws of Ukraine in any other way.

4. Collection and Storage of Confidential Information

4.1. The Company collects, stores, and uses confidential information in strict accordance with these Rules. The Company takes all necessary measures to properly ensure the storage and use of the received information. Confidential information is collected automatically when the resource is visited and the Company’s Services are used, as well as when the User and/or Visitor fills out the provided forms.

4.2. The Company does everything possible to minimize the risk of unauthorized access to confidential information and the risk of its improper use. However, the Company bears no responsibility if third parties gain access to confidential information. In case of disputes regarding the use of the resource, the Company’s Services, or in other cases provided for by the Public Offer or the current laws of Ukraine, the User and/or Visitor agrees to provide the Company with personal data upon its request, including in writing. The Company reserves the right to store all confidential information related to the User for 5 years after the User ceases to use the resource, including modified personal data.